
Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove

Dark side. A dark side of life we usually hide. Hiding the pain behind the smile. Happy pictures on social media. Smiling bright in the morning but heavy rainfall on the pillow every night. Light bags and heavy hearts. The "I don't care" attitude but deep down sobbing. A dual life which we all live in. Punishing ourselves. Giving up on things. When it's 2am and sliting of wrists and your world is crashing upside down like never before. Sitting on the bathroom floor and crying. Crying out loud but no noise is heard. A bleeding heart but no one can see. No wonder what a relationship can make you do. And a broken relationship can break you. SILENTLY. And that's the point when we start hiding our sorrows behind the smile and at some point you start missing yourself the old one you use to be the happy go lucky. How that one pink little bubble bursts and pushes you on a bed full of thorns. You become numb. Heartaches hurt but it doesn't heal easily it takes time. A

Body Shaming- The other side of the story.

Don't you think that you are too fat for this dress? God you're so skinny just like a matchstick. You have so many curves. You don't have curves. You have too much flabs you need to reduce your weight. All of us might have got such a comment many a times.  Why do we crictize someone's body so much? Are you perfect? Obviously NOT. Actually no one is. We all have flaws. Do we still need to be taught that BODY SHAMING IS NOT RIGHT?  Being fat won't make you ugly nor being skinny would make you feel that.  But yes, our comments make them feel so.  Our comments make them feel ugly or hate themselves.  Being fat, skinny or curvy is not a crime. It’s just how their body is, If they are comfortable in their skin why do we need to give them opinions you need to reduce or you need to eat more.  When you call someone fat or skinny you don’t make them comfortable in their own skin.  Just because you have a thigh gap or a toned stomach doesn't mean you are pretty on the insi

SetFree: What happens after BreakUp?

She lost everything. Even herself. She had nothing to lose. That's when she became fearless. Because she had nothing. She started gaining her confidence slowly and steadily. She started to smile again.  She started being happy from within and that's the point when she started to join the broken pieces. Though she did build a wall around her heart, so that no one could enter. But she was getting better with time. Because she knew he wouldn't come back. She was fallen apart. But she was rebuilding herself.  She knew letting him go will be the difficult but holding on would hurt her way more so she decided to let him go. She started to forget him just like another chapter of life which taught her a lesson. The lesson she would never forget. With time she gradually grew her spirit and  gained confidence. She thought that her smile won't come back but gradually it did.  Eventually she started to forget him, yet there was a soft corner for him in her heart. Broken in pieces m

BreakUp: Walk through the crooked road.

And the little girl who wished to be happy like before couldn't be the same ever again. That little girl Diminished. Forever. She Broke with the innocent little girl who she was. She was broken in such a way that the innocence in her died. But she kept trying to move on. She just couldn't do that. She kept on trying that's when she understood what attachments do. It makes difficult for the person to move on whom you love the most. Someone has correctly said “Attachments only look good with emails.” She thought he wasn't like other guys. She thought he was different. She was so attached to him that day by day things got difficult for her. Crying all day. Just thinking about him. She didn't want to be proved as a weak girl, so she always kept her head high with a big smile on her face even to her soul was tired. A smile which was fake. She wasted every night crying and hoping that he will come back someday. Every night it used to rain on her pillow and every morning s

Heartbreak - Just one of those things!

Broken heart is something which we can share but experience alone.Heartbreak is when you feel like your heart is sinking and breaking into pieces. Isn't it the worst feeling where  you cannot do anything other than being silent? You feel nothing! You feel like crying but you can't. We all might have faced this for someone for days.  Fact is that you become colder than ice. I wonder how a person can change your life. We give all our love but they don't give it back. The eventually the person who first used make butterflies flutter in my stomach now makes me feel like I have  bees stung in my heart. Then you realise that he is not the one whom you loved.  It's not that I regret the time I have spent with him it's the memories which pull me back to the time we were together. They hurt me bad, it's like a bullet which passes straight through my heart. What can be more worst where you cover all your scars just by smiling and laughing pretending like it's all good


BOOK REVIEW NOW THAT YOU'RE RICH- LET'S FALL IN LOVE WRITER-DURJOY DUTTA GENRE-FICTION Durjoy Dutta is one the famous writer among the teenagers.His books has many twists and turns.It makes you curious about what will happen next.First book of Durjoy Dutta was If it's not forever it's not love.The story is narrated by a character name Deb who is also a part of the story and he is committed to a very beautiful lady named Avantika. Sumita and Thappar play negative role in this story. Durjoy Dutta started this book by asking a very interesting question Is life really perfect?It is a battle between love and money.This story is of Abhijeet, Saurav, Shruti and Garima who would be working under Deb and Avantika.It is about their past love life.They have just cleared their college and are now stepping into the professional world. Will their life get easy or will it become more difficult?The four characters meet at Silverman Finance Company they become friends and then fall in l


(Creative Writing)  Stars.Aren't they pretty ? They look soo pretty in the sky.So beautiful soo heavenly.I wish I could live among them.I wish I could have them in my room.They brighten up the sky with light and they drive away the darkness with they light.It is said that some stars fulfill our wishes they are known as the shooting stars.Every night when we used to sit near the window silently gazing at sky with the stars like diamonds.We felt some kind of connection actually what we felt was togetherness.I always wanted her to talk.I always use to wish she could talk to me.As it is a belief that shooting stars fulfilled the wishes.The shooting star that night made the sky look extraordinary.The sky looked magical.The shooting star prettiest of all the stars.And i wish upon the shooting star.I closed my eyes and wished  that she could once talk to me.The wish was granted.It was the best day of my life one of the best night.The night when she talked to me.It was my dog who finally t