BreakUp: Walk through the crooked road.

And the little girl who wished to be happy like before couldn't be the same ever again. That little girl Diminished. Forever. She Broke with the innocent little girl who she was. She was broken in such a way that the innocence in her died. But she kept trying to move on. She just couldn't do that. She kept on trying that's when she understood what attachments do. It makes difficult for the person to move on whom you love the most. Someone has correctly said “Attachments only look good with emails.”

She thought he wasn't like other guys. She thought he was different. She was so attached to him that day by day things got difficult for her. Crying all day. Just thinking about him. She didn't want to be proved as a weak girl, so she always kept her head high with a big smile on her face even to her soul was tired. A smile which was fake. She wasted every night crying and hoping that he will come back someday. Every night it used to rain on her pillow and every morning she used hope that she could see him today.

Going back to him wasn't an option at the same time she wanted to be in his arms as it was the safest place that's what she thought was that her misconception because she loved him? She had to move on. Just to move on from him she starts dating other guy thinking she'll be over him. But she wasn't. Every time they kissed she imagined the guy whom she once loved. She was with a new guy physically but her heart was still with him. She was so into him that even after everything she couldn't get him out of her mind.

She still kept waiting that some day he would come back which was never going to happen. She started sleeping around. Drugs. Cigarettes. Locking up herself in a dark room and crying. She was doing nothing but making her life a huge mess and playing with her own emotions. Later she created a wall around her which was unbreakable. She was alive but still so dead.

When people used to ask her are you finally over him or do you still love him. She just gave a smile and say something are better when they are left unsaid. That's what love does to certain people. They are alive but in pain. Love Heals but It Hurts Equally. Loving him killed her.

Not everything in life has a happy ending.


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