Ever been in a situation wherein you  have  everything yet  you feel that there is some part missing. A void, a gap that needs to be filled even when you have achieved whatever you wanted but still it feels like black hole as massive as a cliff. It feels like a desolate place within. In simple words, you feel hollow.

You’re struggling to make sense of everything but you seem not to be able to do so because it's all rolled together in one huge plate. If you're trying to sort things out this pile will smash you underneath its power. You’ll always drown in such chaos. Therefore, you keep things as they are in expectation that they will evolve miraculously. Yet rarely will they. So the pile, with all the stuff that you're trying to undo, just explodes like gas particles and you're left wondering where you've gone horribly wrong.

You encounter so numerous 'ifs' and 'maybe' and 'loopholes' that your head begins to spin and the pathway beyond tends to drift away, and you lose concentration. In a future that should have been as vibrant as the sun you see nothing but void. You see a saturation point on a journey you struggled so hard to walk. There are moments where you start confusing even more with the situations happening and then irrational decisions which make things even worse. You start drowning even more.

The feeling draws all  the strength within you. It leaves you  feeling like a worthless tank that has drained out. Void is the absence and dedication of emotional responses, it's not  an emotion, it feels as  if there is something missing in life, it just feels like it’s all  wrong,  it  feels confused on where life is going, it's the state you 're not willing to be in, and you likely won't set aside your brain.

Often, we experience a sense of loss inside. Looking inside, it seems there is nothing, so we surround ourselves with anything  outside,  like food or entertainment. And even these outward distractions only immediately take care of the emptiness; they only temporarily  capture our focus. Emptiness returns when the distraction is over. Emptiness is an emotional state that all individuals face periodically and it is not possible to walk away from it.

 You feel the heaviness in your heart and the waves of chaos all in your head. If you feel empty, yet feel so heavy inside, toss away all that will impact you – your reason to worry, your anxieties, your expectations, everything which causes difficulty. Try and relax and just really vacate yourself from the heaviness of your heart.

Take it easy in your mind and focus only on what you're doing and what you want and need, instead of attempting to connect and sound right of all the scattered feelings. You have a remembrance of emotions but those emotions were overshadowed by silence. It's like somebody had a part omitted and then discarded it. You're still looking but you've no solution. You have moments of that.

There might be times when we feel empty for the longest time. But by working towards healing, bringing value and purpose to life, self-love leads to a happy life rather than being stuck in despair.First of all, in order to really grasp this feeling of loss, you have to try to find the source. Explore deeply, and describe precisely what makes you feel this way it is? Is it because of the loss of a loved one? A heartbreak? Childhood traumatic event ? Or some painful memories. List and begin writing specific reasons that cause you to feel the hollowness. So, in a way you will spend some time connecting with your inner self.

 You must name all the unpleasant feelings to relieve yourselves, and confront the suffering instead of trying to run away from  it. Trying to push it away will only leave you feeling emptier, and will evolve in negative ways as time passes. It can be incredibly hard but as  you continue to realize your emotions and let oneself feel them, you will ultimately find it a lot easier to deal with them. Take the time you need to heal yourself from the suffering by feeling it, and not criticizing yourself. 

Fill the void with compassion, love and care for yourself and others.

 You may sense a void growing up since you haven't receive the love which you deserve, causing you to find it from someone else. That causes people to feel empty and disengaged from your soul when you lack self- love.



Fill in the gap by working unconditionally to love yourself, and not relying on someone else to fill the gap. When you start finding love in yourself, you wouldn't rely on it anymore.

 To get rid of feeling empty, you need to start questioning what means you feel that way, and take the time to feel those experiences. You will start healing from it from there. Healing comes from oneself. You can't fill up the void with the other individuals or material products. But while recovery may still feel like it will get better with time! It takes some time to untangle and heal our emotional baggage and scars from the past.

But, there is a negative stigma to 'having a void,' there is also a positive side, as it can help you drill down into your inner consciousness, purpose and anything that could weigh you down. Though learning to cope with emotional pain may be challenging, when you do it will make you free from feeling empty and hook you up for much greater and worthwhile things you can encounter there.


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