
Showing posts from October, 2024

What’s Completely Normal in Therapy: Embracing the Messiness of Healing

Starting therapy can feel like stepping into the unknown. Whether it's your first session or you’ve been in therapy for a while, you might find yourself wondering if you're doing it "right." Thoughts like, "Why can't I say what I’m feeling?" or "Is it weird that I’m crying?" are incredibly common. But here’s the truth: therapy isn’t about perfection. It’s about exploration, vulnerability, and progress – all of which can be messy, and that’s okay. In fact, the things that make you feel uncomfortable or uncertain in therapy are often the most powerful parts of the process. Let’s dive into some of the experiences that are perfectly normal in a therapy session. One of the most common experiences is crying, and it can come without warning. Sometimes, emotions you've been holding in for weeks, months, or even years surface in the therapy room. Tears may flow as you talk about something painful, or they might surprise you even when you’re unsure w