
Showing posts from February, 2018

Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove

Dark side. A dark side of life we usually hide. Hiding the pain behind the smile. Happy pictures on social media. Smiling bright in the morning but heavy rainfall on the pillow every night. Light bags and heavy hearts. The "I don't care" attitude but deep down sobbing. A dual life which we all live in. Punishing ourselves. Giving up on things. When it's 2am and sliting of wrists and your world is crashing upside down like never before. Sitting on the bathroom floor and crying. Crying out loud but no noise is heard. A bleeding heart but no one can see. No wonder what a relationship can make you do. And a broken relationship can break you. SILENTLY. And that's the point when we start hiding our sorrows behind the smile and at some point you start missing yourself the old one you use to be the happy go lucky. How that one pink little bubble bursts and pushes you on a bed full of thorns. You become numb. Heartaches hurt but it doesn't heal easily it takes time. A