
Showing posts from March, 2020

Emotions- A Game Of Snakes and Ladders

For people feelings and emotions are very much the same. So naturally, we would perceive them as synonyms; two words with same meaning. However, they are dependent on each other, emotions and feelings are different things. Emotions describe physiological state and generated subconsciously. Usually, they are bodily responses to certain events. By contrast, feelings are basically subjective experiences of emotions driven by conscious thoughts and reflections. Which states we can have emotions without having feelings, however, one simply cannot have feelings without having emotions. Sounds complicated enough? Emotions... How should i describe them? A roller coaster ride? Or maybe explosion of liquids in our body mentally Or the way I explained it above. Though we know our mind and heart are located at different places BUT they are intimately connected, Too much science Huh (Difficult). Let's keep it simple because we complicate things. So, A roller coaster sounds perfect. Emotions, ...